Friday, January 22, 2010


It's our first full day in sunny California -- NOT!

With all the rain and wind we decided to stay in our room for a while and select our classes for CHA. Many of the companies offer classes and we are really excited about the new ideas we will be brin
ging back home to you. While we were working on this, the power went out! It was off for about an hour.
We are beginning to wonder about all these experiences we are having and whether anyone will want to travel with us given our track record so far!

Since things were going so interestingly, we decided to rent a car and go to the beach, about 14 miles away. By the time all the paperwork was done and we arrived at the beach it was nearly dark. We we
re starving so we had a nice dinner at DUKE'S on the beach. Great food and no crises to report! When we went to take pictures, however, the wind and rain were so strong that we were nearly blown away! Notice in the photo above how the rain is blowing sideways.
Here is Debby attempting to get a picture of the awesome waves at Huntington Beach, also known as Surf City USA. NO SURFING TONIGHT!

She got this good one of those waves.

Check out these palm trees. Notice how the leaves are blowing.

And this crazy woman standing in the rain.

Once we got back to the hotel, I took this one out our window.
Aren't the lights pretty? The weather report for tomorrow is not much better, but hang in there because Sat
urday and Sunday are supposed to be clear. That means sunshine. I'll do my best to get a picture of Debby in her bikini, so don't miss any of our reports just in case!

I got a message today with the new release of HOUSE MOUSE STAMPS. Oh, are they adorable!!!

Don't forget to go to the RILEY MOOSE site and choose the ones you want. Preorder and prepay and you get 10% off!

We go to the SUPER SHOW tomorrow, and will have a report for you tomorrow night on what we see. This is the one you may want to go to when CHA Summer comes to the Chicago area this year.

Remember that we will be selling tickets in our store for the Heirloom Productions Show at the fairgrounds March 6 and 7. Don't miss it. We will be there selling Cottage Cutz! Give Linda a call and let her know how many tickets you want so we can hold them for you.

Keep watching for more updates and photos of product tomorrow night!


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